Residential, Commercial & Utility Tree Services

4 Things to Consider Before You Cut Down Trees

Trees are a beautiful part of every landscape. But over time, beautiful trees can become an eyesore or even cause problems within your yard or home. From diseased trees to overwhelmingly large trees, your first instinct may be to cut down the trees. But before hiring a professional to remove them, there are a few things you should consider.

Reasons to Cut Down Trees

There are many reasons that a tree may need to be removed. These can include:

  • Diseased
  • Filled with pests
  • Roots affecting your foundation or septic system
  • Allow more sun to reach your yard
  • Space needed for an outbuilding, pool, etc.

If your tree is exhibiting one or more of these signs, you may believe that tree removal is a no-brainer. But despite all these reasons to cut down your trees, there are a few things to consider prior to making that decision.

Consider This Before You Cut Down Trees

Before having your trees professionally removed, you’ll want to consider quite a few things. This can include the possibility of transplanting the tree to who’s property the tree technically sits on. Here’s 4 things to consider before you cut down your trees.

Can the tree be saved?

If the tree is diseased or filled with pests, consider having a Certified Arborist inspect the tree. Certified Arborists are often referred to as “tree doctors”. They can diagnose tree diseases and prepare a plan to save it. If the trees are not able to be saved, then you’ll want to consider hiring a professional to cut down the trees.

There are many signs that your tree is not doing well. These can include:

  • Drooping leaves
  • Leaf discoloration
  • Peeling bark
  • Rotting roots or branches
  • Fungus growth

If your tree exhibits any of these signs, consider having a Certified Arborist examine your trees.

Can the tree be transplanted?

Some trees can be transplanted if performed correctly. The smaller the tree, the more likely it is to have a successful transplant. If the tree is large and established, transplanting may not be a viable option. A Certified Arborist will be able to inspect the tree and let you know if transplanting is an option. If transplanting is not an option, you may need to cut down the tree.

Whose property does the tree sit on?

If the area between your property and your neighbor’s is a gray area, consider checking the property lines before you cut down trees. If the tree technically sits on your neighbor’s property, you’ll want to inform them of the issue you’re having and let them decide if the tree will be removed or not.

On the other hand, if the tree sits on your property, consider any negative impact the removal could have on your neighbor’s yard. Do they use this tree for shade? Does the tree provide privacy from your house or the road? Alerting your neighbors prior to removal will give them the opportunity to plan for an alternative, such as planting their own tree or installing a privacy fence.

Is the tree protected by the city?

Prior to removing a tree, you’ll want to check to see if there’s a Tree Protection Ordinance in place in your area. The purpose of a Tree Protection Ordinance is to protect desirable trees or trees with a historical significance on public or private property. Checking for an ordinance will ensure that you’re not cutting down a protected tree. This will save you from any legal action being taken against you.

Deciding to Cut Down the Tree

Now that you know what to consider before you cut down a tree, it’s time to decide what option is best for you. If the conclusion is to cut down the tree, you’ll want to make sure this is done safely and effectively. Certified Arborists are trained in tree removal. They hold the knowledge and skill needed to properly cut down a tree. Not only will they remove the tree, they’ll keep everyone and everything safe while doing it.

When it comes to removing a tree, hiring a professional is a must. Rogue Tree Solutions is a group of highly trained Certified Arborists who can safely cut down your trees. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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